Thought, Uncategorized

Moving Through the Shadows

I don’t remember when I heard about A Wrinkle in Time for the first time, but I do know where I heard about it. My mom had told me one day that one of her favorite books of all time was this book.This is probably why it somehow remained lodged in my subconscious, waiting for… Continue reading Moving Through the Shadows

Tarot Posts, Uncategorized

A Story of Now

Recently I learned how to do a new type of Tarot spread a few weeks ago that I'm really enjoying. This spread is called the Romany spread and what it does is goes through 7 cards about the past influence, 7 cards about what is going on in our current situation and 7 more cards… Continue reading A Story of Now

Thought, Uncategorized

Owning Your Vibration

I used to fall asleep in Science class. I took Chemistry in high school and honestly that used to knock me right out. I did okay in Biology, okay in Earth Science… but there is a very small part of me that enjoys science. However, I remember sitting in my seat when we were learning… Continue reading Owning Your Vibration

Experiences, Uncategorized

What EXACTLY is a Life Coach?

Ahhh… that’s it my friends, the million dollar question that I’ve been asked (and ask myself!) hundreds of times. A few minutes ago I was in the middle of a conversation with a family member. She is in a weird place, in limbo, unhappy with her current situation and wanting desperately to find some kind… Continue reading What EXACTLY is a Life Coach?

Experiences, Uncategorized

Everything Happens for a Reason

There are times in my life that I have been swept up in situations that sound so incredible that I completely forget what I stand for. There are feelings that I try to push away because I want so much to believe I’m moving into something wonderful. This is a story about remembering to trust… Continue reading Everything Happens for a Reason


What’s Familiar

It’s not a coincidence that the word family and familiar are so similar. This week I’m taking an in depth look at my old familiar while spending time with my family. Right now, there’s a part of me that really wants to hop in my car and go drive to my old high school just… Continue reading What’s Familiar


Total Freedom

Freedom is free. Although it is sometimes hard to remember this concept or to even believe it. We have been accustomed to thinking that we are all paying for our freedom, sacrificing and selling ourselves, obeying the rules that society has enforced... that's simply not true. The freedom I’m referring to though is not what… Continue reading Total Freedom


My Need to Read

I believe that doing the things you are passionate about is  essential to your life. Every single person on the planet, every single day, should do something that makes them happy. Sometimes it may feel like it’s impossible to find something every day. Some days the circumstances may not feel like they’re there to help… Continue reading My Need to Read